meet laura.
laura is from mexico. in april, laura was living in new york city. she heard about an event called the rescue, held by an organization called invisible children. the event was intended to bring an end to a rebel army from uganda which abducts children to use as soldiers. laura went to the event, and was so touched by this cause that when she heard about a bus that was leaving from new york to continue to other cities' rescue events, she jumped on, no questions asked. that is where i met laura, and we spent an incredible week traveling from new york to harrisburg, pa; richmond, va; and chicago, il, where we ended up getting oprah's attention and she even put us, along with a few hundred other "rescue riders", on her little television show.
now, that little adventure wasn't enough for laura. she'd been bitten by the invisible children bug, which is pretty hard to shake. she applied to become a roadie for them. roadies travel all over the country in an IC van, showing films about the crisis in uganda and surrounding countries. she got the position, and is now in san diego preparing for the fall tour.
here's where you, reader, and whoever else you share this story with, come in:
tour costs MONEY. roadies are not paid. (invisible children is a non-profit, they run on enthusiasm and donations.)
please consider donating so that laura can spread the word about this crisis!
also, consider booking a screening with invisible children at your school, church, community center, etc.
laura is an incredible person who is truly living the invisible children motto: "jump first, fear later." please help if you can! even a dollar or two helps so much.
1 comment:
i have noticed like to use your blog to ask for money. does this ever work? because if it love you <3
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